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Table of contents
- Foreword - 3
- Peter Lietz: Prof. Dr. Hans A. Bausch - long-time university teacher of brewing and malting masters in East and West - 8
- Siegfried Rübensaal: Royal Bavarian Remontedepot Breweries*) - 19
- Stefan Menzel: Mineral Water Factory Gustav Luneburg - Beer and Lemonade for the Havel Townspeople *) - 72
- Andreas Urbanek: The history of the Oppeln brewing commune *) - 95
- Katharina Dehnke: 200 years of Bitburger: From a regional to a national brand *) - 121
- Hans-Jürgen Müller: 175 Years of Schultheiss - A Review of the History of Berlin's Most Important Traditional Brewery *) - 133
- Hans-Günter Hallfahrt: The malt factory of the Schultheiss brewery in Berlin-Pankow, Mühlenstraße *) - 147
- Hermann Bienen: The development of brewing culture in Bavarian Swabia up to the industrialisation of brewing in the 19th century - 157
- Andreas Urbanek: Danzig Jopenbier - 181
- Peter Lietz: Some remarks on the fermentation and maturation of Jopen beer and the microbial flora involved *) - 189
- Markus Fohr: Huntemann's journey - 193
- Wolfgang D. Speckmann: Martin Luther and the beer *) - 213
- Jochen Sprotte: The History of the Freiherrlich von Tucher'sche Brauerei AG and the Nuremberg Brewing Industry in the Years 1910 to the Beginning of the Third Reich 1933 -213
- Edda Fendl: On Bavarian Finance -265
- Heinrich Tappe: New special exhibition at the Dortmund Brewery Museum: "Essen außer Haus. Of Restaurantes and Other Eating Places" *) - 271
- Gunter Stresow: What our ancestors expected from beer and expected of their wives - 275
- Michaela Knör: What is and where does the "Haustrunk" come from? - 278
- Reviews - 284
- Received Literature -299
- 79th Ordinary General Assembly in Ingolstadt
- Report of the Managing Director - 306
- Statutes of the Society for the History of Brewing - 324
- Executive Committee, Managing Director, Members - 328
- Index - 336
- Notes for Authors - 338
- List of Authors - 339
- List of advertisers - 340
*) This article is also available as a PDF file with extended content and colour illustrations.
At this point we would again like to appeal to our members and readers to get involved and take up the pen for the next issues of the Yearbooks. At the end of the yearbook you will find the "Notes for Authors".