- Paperback
- The work of Franz Schönfeld for the top-fermented beer brewery.
- Seventy-three years and a Kondratieff(7) ago - On the German brewing industry in 1941
- A cerevisiological Mediterranean cruise one hundred years ago: From Málaga to Constantinople - Part 2 from Genoa bi Venice
- "Indeed a large field for rewarding activity" - The history of the Bank für Brau-Industrie
- The History of the Friedländer and Pringsheim Breweries in Opole
- The Nuremberg Breweries in the Third Reich from 1933 to 1945
- Observations on a Three-Hundred-Year-Old Treasure of Brewing History from the Francke Foundations in Halle
- Beer, Boom and Industrialisation - Some Observations on the History of Breweries in Hesse between 1871 and 1914
- "The Hero in the Foamy Bell" - Observations on 400 Years of Maibock
Also: Reviews / Received Literature / Annual Report, Statutes and Membership Directory of the GGB
The Gesellschaft für Geschichte des Brauwesens e.V. (GGB) with its headquarters in Berlin was founded in 1913. The purpose of the society is the study and documentation of the history of brewing.
As the association's yearbook, the report of the annual meeting of the Gesellschaft für Geschichte des Brauwesens e. V. is of course not missing. Book reviews and information on the titles and archival materials received in the Schultze-Berndt Library round off the yearbook. Perhaps you would like to contribute to the next yearbook not only by reading it, but also by writing your own contribution?
Table of contents
- Foreword - 3
- Peter Lietz: The work of Franz Schönfeld for the top-fermented beer brewery - 8
- Stefan Wirth: Seventy-three years and a Kondratieff ago (7) - On the German brewing industry in 1941 - 36
- Klaus-P. Gilbertz: A cerevisiological Mediterranean cruise one hundred years ago: From Malaga to Constantinople - Part2 From Genoa to Venice *) - 112
- Manfred Kohler: "Indeed a large field for rewarding activity" The history of the Bank für Brau-Industrie *) - 142
- Andreas Urbanek: The History of the Friedlander and Pringsheim Breweries in Opole *) - 165
- Jochen Sprotte: The Nuremberg breweries in the Third Reich in the period from 1933 to 1945 *) - 200
- Hans-Dieter Grimm: Reflections on a three hundred year old brewing historical treasure from the Francke Foundations in Halle *) - 253
- Kevin Rick: Beer, boom and industrialisation - Some observations on the history of breweries in Hesse between 1871 and 1914 - 262
- Wolfgang D. Speckmann: "Der Held im Schaumgelock" - Reflections on 400 years of Maibock *) - 281
- Jürgen Zettler: Beer needs cold - 300
- Reviews - 308
- Received Literature - 312
- 76th Annual General Meeting Report of the Managing Director - 331
- Statutes of the Society for the History of Brewing - 338
- Executive Committee, Managing Director, Members - 342
- List of Authors - 349
- Index - 350
- Notes for Authors - 353
- List of advertisers - 354
*) This article is also available as a PDF file with extended content.
At this point we again appeal to our members and readers to get involved and take up the pen for the next issues of the Yearbooks. At the end of the yearbook you will find the "Notes for Authors".